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Reiki can be defined as Divinely guided life force energy.
Reiki Principles
How Reiki works
Our health and well-being depend greatly on the manner in which the Ki or life force energy flows around and through us.
The human body consists of physical and chemical elements as well as a subtle energy system through which this life force flows. This energy system is made up of an energy field which surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body and is called the aura. It contains our life force, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes – both positive and negative. It also contains information about the state of our physical body, our inter-personal dynamics, our past, our future, our potentials and many more.
It therefore follows that anything that restricts the flow of life force energy, will affect our energy field and therefore our physical body. All negative thoughts and feelings for example, cause disruption in this flow.
The great value of Reiki is that because the Higher Intelligence guides it, it knows exactly where to go and what to do in order to deal with the restrictions in the flow of our life force. As Reiki flows through unhealthy areas, it breaks up energetic obstructions, clears out the energetic waste of negative thoughts or feelings and therefore allows a more optimal flow of life force energy to resume. As this happens, the unhealthy physical organs and tissues receive what is required for the healing to take place.
Fast Facts on Reiki
Reiki Features
Very simple to learn.
One becomes a qualified Reiki Therapist in just one or two days. Reiki flows wherever required it is holistic healing systems. Hence, irrespective of diseases treatment is the same of any diagnosis Reiki operates on faith – belief systems beyond thoughts feelings & religious. One of the greatest benefits of is the possibility of self-treatment.
Animate and Inanimate:
Reiki can be made available to human begins, animals tress plants and Nonliving things. If we are to experience well being in the real sense, we need to be at harmony with the living as well as non-living things around us. Energy Exchange: There is to be an exchange of energy { FEES} for the therapist time it is not right to keep a master { person} fee indebted for services rendered